European Flight Training Center B.V.
Het vliegopleidingscentrum van Nederland!
Groningen Airport Eelde (EHGG/GRQ) | +31(0)50 203 1980
In samenwerking met European Flight Training Center B.V. en Cirrus SAS op Groningen airport Eelde!
Vlieglessen of uw brevet uitbreiden met een CB-IR, EIR of PBN op uw eigen Cirrus!
Cirrus SR22T G6 with Cirrus Perspective+™
Wat bieden wij aan ?
Proeflessen op een Cirrus SR22 G3 (vloot)
Conversie non-EASA naar EASA licence*
Profchecks op onze of uw eigen Cirrus
* Opleiding is mogelijk op uw eigen Cirrus of onze Cirrus
** Neem contact op voor de meerprijs om de opleidingen op een Cirrus te volgen.
For more information see our Privat Pilot Licence page.
Our CB-IR Training teaches a PPL (A) or CPL (A) holder up to the point that he or she is skilled enough to obtain an IR (A) rating. The CB-IR is a different route towards an IR (A).
The course is especially designed for pilots that do not pursue a career in the major aviation industry (ATPL). If getting your ATPL is your end goal, it is recommended to follow regular ATPL theory training.
The CB-IR course contains 10 hours less actual training than the regular IR (A). It is possible to start with your training at the same time you start with your theory. Our CB-IR flight training is skills and competency based.
This route is ideal for pilots that want to fly under Instrument Flight Rules safely and do not want to continue towards major aviation.
CB-IR enables you to
You will be trained by a recognized IR instructor. You’ll enjoy professional training from a trainer with extensive knowledge of the requirements that are set for this CB-IR (A) course.
CB-IR Information
CB-IR requirements
Theory subjects
It is possible to train the majority of the flight training course on our CB-IR Training AL250 Simulator.
The Enroute Instrument-Rating (EIR) enables you to fly enroute with Instrument Meteorological Conditions during flight. It might be a suitable step for pilots that have achieved their Private Pilot’s License (PPL). All departures and arrivals must be under VFR conditions. Included in EIR the training is:
In addition to the CBIR and EIR, we also offer Performance Based Navigation (PBN)-training. This training will include theory and simulator training. The training will take approximately one day.
For more information see our conversion non-EASA to EASA page.
For more information see our Fleet & Rental page.
For more information see our Profcheck|Examination page.
EFTC beschikt over een geavanceerd AL250 simulator (glass cockpit) waardoor het merendeel van de training voor CB-IR, EIR & PBN op de simulator gedaan kan worden.
Meer informatie: